When you visit www.edubooks4all.com pages for ordering products, it is not necessary for you to disclosure your personal information. The data required for registration on the website are:  Username, password and e-mail. To issue documents, more information will be required (Name, Surname, E-mail, Telephone number, Address, Tax Ref. No, Tax Office). In any case our company and edubooks4all.com are according to the principles of data protection provided by laws and international conventions and will not proceed, without your prior acceptance, to any illegal use of the data that you may indicate in the page and in the service of www.edubooks4all.com . The company and edubooks4all.com will not disclose, publish, sell or exchange your personal data and information entrusted to us. Your personal information may be disclosed by the company, while complying with statutory procedures required by a Public Authority, the Court etc. edubooks4all.com reserves the right to inform its suppliers with sales statistics, without containing personal information that could lead to identification of individuals. Although edubooks4all.com takes all reasonable steps to safeguard and prevent unauthorized access to personal information above, we can not be responsible for the actions of those who gain unauthorized access, and we don't provide any warranty, that will prevent unauthorized access to your private information.      

Category: Footer Articles